Monday, 26 June 2017

7 Types of Sleep Disorder You Must Know About

Sleep is an important routine of our daily life. We cannot survive without sleep for more than 11 days. Sleep deprivation could affect the mind and sanity of the person. However, one of the important parts of sleeping is waking up.
Below are few types of sleep disorders:
  1. Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea
Img Src: Wikimedia
Sleep apnea occurs due to breathing disturbed. When you feel that you are having an issue in breathing while you are asleep it is sleep apnea. It is the reason why you have a sore throat or why you snore loudly. It could also cause lack of energy during the day.

2.  Snoring
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Snoring is not exactly a defect although it is mostly seen in men and overweight. The regular snoring could affect your partner’s sleep schedule. The snoring is a result of obstruction of air through mouth and nose. Habitual snorers can be at risk for serious health problems, including obstructive sleep apnea mentioned above.

3. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation
Img Src: Med Scoop Daily
The total amount of sleep taken by a person depends on his age and his nature of work. The experts say that if you feel drowsy during the day, even during boring activities, you haven't had enough sleep. Getting too little sleep creates a "sleep debt," which need to be paid as demanded by the body in following days. Sleep deprivation could cause Memory problems, Depression, increasing your chance of becoming sick, etc.

4. Sleepwalking
Sleep walking
Img Src: Falling Pixie stock
Sleepwalking is when a person starts to walk while he/she is subconscious. This generally happens to children between age 4 to 8. The sleepwalker can't respond during the event and usually doesn't remember it. Typically, the sleepwalker's eyes are open with a glassy stare as he roams the house. This could cause because of stress, the over drunken state, drugs like sedative-hypnotics or neuroleptics or stimulants, etc.

5. Insomnia
Img Src: Flickr
Insomnia is caused when a person cannot sleep at night and thus, he accommodates it in the morning. People with insomnia have one or more of the following symptoms:
  • Difficulty in falling asleep
  • Waking up more than once during the night and having trouble going back to sleep
  • Waking up too early in the morning
  • Feeling tired upon waking
Insomnia could be caused due to stress, illness, emotional of physical discomfort, environmental factors like light, sound, noise, etc

6.  Sleep Paralysis
Sleep Paralysis
Img Src: Wikimedia
Sleep deprivation is when a person feels scared or paranoid. The shadowy evil creatures that terrify humans to the point where they are unable to move at night causing them sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but being helpless about it. It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep.

7. Talking in Your Sleep
Talking in Your Sleep
Img Src: Sleep Smarter

The sleep talking is also known as somniloquy is rather a funny disorder than a serious one. This could cause your partner or spouse to spill long time secret in his sleep. It's a very common occurrence and is not usually considered a medical problem. The experts think that sleep talking may run in families.
If you are suffering from first 6 issues, consult a doctor or buy a BEDDI Spotify and USB Alarm Clock to regularize your sleep routine.

Content Source: 7 Types Of Sleep Disorder You Must Know About

Read Blog: Evolution of Alarm Clocks

Friday, 16 June 2017

Evolution of Alarm Clocks

The alarm clocks have been taking different forms since Before Christ. The only difference was that they weren’t made of steel or plastic and didn’t have numbers. They were in the form of roosters or church bells. The morning sun – a natural wake-up light – was also a type of noiseless alarm clock which stated that it is a cue to leave all the laziness behind and commence the day.

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The Greek philosopher PLATO had water clock signalling his students for his lectures in 428 BC. Then the bell clocks and tower clocks came into existence. They were run with the help of men who rang the tower bell at a particular period of time of the day.

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Later, industries came into the picture and so did workers. The industries had “knocker-ups” who use to bang hardly on people’s door to wake them up for the work. However, the knockers-uppers couldn’t perform their duty properly and were proven to be insufficient and thus, mechanical clocks were introduced.

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The first mechanical clock was created by Levi Hutchins in 18th Century. But, until late 19th Century, people were aloof of alarm clocks. After 1870, people were aware of this useful device and alarm clocks became the necessity and private commodity in every person’s house.
Modern alarm clocks continued to evolve from that time on. There were two types of categories-analog clocks and digital clocks. Over time, this fixture cemented to the position of clocks in the bedroom which incorporating additional features like radio receivers, cuckoos, snooze buttons and more. The Analog clocks deteriorated with the passing time and now every house has a digital clock.

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The digital smart alarm clock has everything from wake-up light, white noise, Bluetooth, USB, etc. These kinds of alarm clocks are app controlled alarm clocks that wake up a person as naturally and as peacefully as possible. One such smart alarm clock designing company is WITTI Incorporated, which has products that will be the best return for your bucks invested. It has products which will not only make your mornings better but will also make your sleep peaceful and healthy.

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