Monday, 22 May 2017

5 tricks to wake up early and peacefully

Monday mornings are hard after two days of lazy weekend. Generally, we program our mind in such a way that weekends are to wake up late and this affects our Monday morning adversely.
So here are the few tricks to change your wake-up routine and make your Monday mornings full of energy:
  1. Give yourself a strong reason to wake up:
If you want to trick your mind in waking up early, give yourself a strong reason to wake up. For example, if you want to try some new recipe which will take time, or you want to clean certain space of your house. You could also wake up early and work out in the fresh morning air, this will keep your mind and body both healthy keeping you active throughout the day.


  1. Follow the strict rule of 8 hours’ peaceful sleep:
Try sleeping early and you will wake up early. For few days, try not to check notifications or finish the book you are reading early mornings. Make a strict routine to get yourself full-blown 8 hours sleep and which will wake you up early. Because hard things initially, will give you best results eventually.

  1. Buy WITTI product:
WITTI Design brings you BEDDI alarms - One of the Best Smart Alarm clocks available in the market which can be controlled via an App. It will wake you up at alarm set time peacefully and refresh your mood with sunrise simulated wake-up light. You can charge your phone and tablet through USB ports at the back, set different colors for notifications and much more. To order online, check out Smart Beddi Alarms.

  1. Reorganize your day schedule:
Make sure to finish your day’s work within a certain period. For few days, make a timetable and follow it. If you are doing the things which are unimportant like spending time on social media or watching TV instead of going off to sleep, try revising that and you can have trouble waking up peacefully.

  1. Ditch siesta:
No matter how free you are, do no sleep at noon. Sleeping at noon could damage your night sleep and your morning routine. Try engaging your body into some work like reading a book or working out or cleaning house. This way your body will feel tired at the end of the day and you will be able to sleep peacefully. You could also join some classes or get a part time job.
Try to follow above mentioned 5 tricks regularly and you will be able to wake up early.

 Check out other WITTI Design products.

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